

Nordplus Horizontal

Meno terapija – unikalūs ištekliai asmeniniam tobulėjimui

Projekto tikslas yra skatinti ir nurodyti tokią kryptį, kaip meno terapija, vaikų švietime ir ugdyme. Sujungiant kiekvieno partnerio patirtį ir žinias, būtina sukurti naują bendrą mokymo metodiką, remiantis konkrečiais reikalavimais kiekvienos dalyvaujančios šalies ir ES poreikiais. Tam, kad šviestume pedagoginį personalą, suteiksime jiems naujų žinių ir pasidalinsime gerąja dalyvaujančių šalių patirtimi. Nauja bendra metodologija bus pristatyta tarp švietimo įstaigoms, pavyzdžiui, mokykloms, specialiosioms mokykloms, vaikų darželiams, ir neformalaus švietimo įstaigoms.

Projekte dalyvauja 5 šalys partnerės: Lietuva, Latvija, Suomija, Danija, Estija.

Projekte numatytos sekančios veiklos:

  1. Situacijos analizė kiekvienoje partnerinėje šalyje, kur bus tiriamas meno terapijos metodo poveikis veikiant mokinių psichologinę būseną.
  2. Bendro meno terapijos metodo kūrimas.
  3. Meno terapijos taikymo metodikos kūrimas.
  4. Švietimo kursai mokytojams, kaip taikyti ir pristatyti meno terapiją savo kasdieniame darbe su mokiniais.
  5. Rezultatų sklaida.

Pirmame projekto etape visi partneriai  paruošė raportą (aprašymą) apie  meno terapijos panaudojimą, papasakoti apie pasirinktą tiriamąją grupę, apie pasirinktą metodiką, iškilusias problemas, pastebėtus rezultatus ir panašiai. Visų partnerių aprašymus galite matyti žemiau.

Art therapy – a unique resource for personal development

This project is an attempt to summarize the available experience in the northern European countries, the experience of practicing teachers in the use of elements of art therapy as a kind of art pedagogy, give an overview of the positive effects on different children, including children with developmental disabilities.
To date, it is clear that in some cases art therapy can be used in education as a tool for the development of certain psychological and personal qualities of the students. The project wants to unite the creative efforts of teachers in different directions, to offer participants the opportunity to share project experiences.

Aims and contribution

Main aims:

-to strengthen adults’ key competencies and recognition of adults informal and non-formal learning through information,  motivation and inspiration to use art therapy in the partner institutions.

The Faculty of Education University of Lapland, Finland, is dealing with education, development and research in the field of education, teacher education and pedagogy. They will be responsible for methodology of art therapy development and recommendation for introducing.

Innovation Education centre “Ideja” from Latvia, provides vocational and non-formal education for teachers. Creator of program for the vocational education of the pedagogical staff. They will be responsible for development of methodology implementation program for teachers.

School Erakool Edu Valem, Estonia uses a lot of effective innovations in educational process and will be responsible for practical recommendations on art therapy application, also based on their own experience.

Alytus youth center, Lithuania is a multi-profile school, providing non-formal education for choldren, youngsters and adults, and will be responsible for the implementation of the developed methodology practically.

Ungdomsskolen (youth school), Denmark – the primary purpose is to strengthen and extend knowledge, give understanding and prepare for life in the society, therefore will be responsible for practical implementation of the developed methodology.

Each partner is responsible for their own topic, but the result is joint, where every involved partner is working on the development of the methodological platform for further practical application.

In the first project stage all partners had prepared the report (descirption) about the use of art therapy in their institutions, about their experience with art therapy, about the chosen methodology, the problems, the expected results and so on.

JungtysAlytaus jaunimo centro jaunųjų žurnalistų kursų mokytoja Rūta Jasionienė su jaunaisiais žurnalistais dalyvauja Nordplus Horizontal programos projekte  “Meno terapija – unikalus išteklius asmeniniam tobulėjimui”. Projekto metu komanda išleido minčių, svarstymų, įdomių patirčių, pokalbių ir asmenybių kupiną leidinį “Jungtys”, su kuriuo kviečiame susipažinti. JUNGTYS.

Teacher of Courses of Young Journalists of Alytus youth center with young journalists team is participating in Nordplus Horizontal project “„ART THERAPY – A UNIQUE RESOURCE FOR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT”. During the project the members of Young Journalists Courses cooperate with local paper Alytus News, they prepared an edition of their works, which were published in the newspaper, in pdf format. You can see this pdf journal bellow.

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